Article 1
Name and registration
The Federation is to be known as the International Federation for Manual/Musculoskeletal Medicine, abbreviated as FIMM. Its registered office is CH-9008 St.Gallen, Switzerland, c/o Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft für Manuelle Medizin SAMM, Kolumbanstrasse 2; it is subject to the Swiss Civil Code of December 10th, 1907 granting legal status to societies.
Article 2
Aims of the federation
1 The aims of the Federation are
to develop an active, internationally recognized umbrella organization,
to attract national societies and policy makers worldwide, whose main function is gathering and disseminating knowledge and expertise.
to proactively advance integration of Manual/Musculoskeletal Medicine into health care.
2 The Federation strives to be The International Standard in the world for Manual/Musculoskeletal Medicine.